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Are you feeling frustrated with your fine hair? I understand what it's like, so I offer solutions to those seeking results and will show you how to bring your fine hair back to life and, more importantly, fall in love with it all over again.

My name is Sarah, and I'm 28 years old; I'm married to a real-life lumberjack/cowboy (seriously, he was the rodeo national champ when he was 18). I've been in the industry for almost 4 years; I never thought id be a stylist, but my bald barbies growing up should have told me otherwise. 

I grew up dreaming of being a professional singer/songwriter and have always pursued music; I truly believed that the only way I would ever be happy career-wise would be landing a record deal, but here I am 4 years into doing hair. I am obsessed with what I do every day!


I feel like I didn't find hair; it found me. I knew I needed to find a job where I could be creative and let my outgoing personality shine! Being a planner, I never would've guessed that I would spontaneously decide to attend hair school; my family was shocked at my sudden decision-making but lovingly supported me as I embarked on this seemingly random journey. 


On the first day of school, I questioned why I was there as I looked around at my classmates who talked about how they had dreamt of this day since they were young, but low and behold, two weeks later, I was IN LOVE, hair quickly became my passion, and I graduated in the top of my class and have been creating hair magic ever since.


Looking back, I can see how hair made sense for me; I had a good friend in high school who needed her hair done for another prom she was attending; I enthusiastically volunteered, thinking I could just throw something together to both of our surprises it was stunning, and she liked it better than her hair when she had professionally done for our prom. (I should've taken that as my clue and gone straight to hair school, that would've saved me years of confusion, lol).


I have always had fine hair, as have the women in my family, so I pride myself on knowing how to treat it and provide you with the tools to make your hair feel and look incredible! Please make no mistake; I adore the natural mermaids too!


I can’t wait to meet you and start our hair journey at IHC together! 

Chat soon xo




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My Current Pricing

Short Haircut - 65

Regular Length Haircut - 85

Long Haircut - 105


On-Scalp Colour & Blowdry -165

On-scalp Colour & Long Blowdry - 185

On-Scalp Colour & Haircut - 185

On-Scalp Colour & Long Haircut - 205


Mini Brightening & Blowdry - 160

Mini Brightening & Long Blowdry - 190

Mini Brightening & Haircut -200

Mini Brightening & Long Haircut - 220


Maintenance Brightening & Blowdry - 190

Maintenance Brightening & Long Blowdry - 220

Maintenance Brightening & Haircut -230

Maintenance Brightening & Long Haircut - 240



Total Brightening & Blowdry - 240

Total Brightening & Long Blowdry - 280

Total Brightening & Haircut - 290

Total Brightening & Long Haircut - 305


Maximum Brightening & Blowdry - 285

Maximum Brightening & Long Blowdry - 315

Maximum Brightening & Haircut - 325

Maximum Brightening & Long Haircut - 355


I offer beaded row extensions; however, all quotes are done via consultation.

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